Below are the responsibilities for the various Bellevue Friends of the Library board positions, and other chair and coordinator positions:
- Arrange and preside over Executive Board meetings, assist Executive Board and committee members to fulfill their responsibilities.
- Schedule and preside over annual meeting
- Appoint two members at large to serve on the Finance Committee with the President, Past President and Treasurer
- Attend monthly Bellevue Library Advisory Board meetings
- Serve as an ex-officio member on the Corner Book Shop Committee and attend meetings
- Appoint committees as needed
- Appoint a replacement to the Executive Board with the assistance of the Past President if a member cannot complete a term of office
- Serve as the BFOL information source to KCLS, media and the community
- Serve as a liaison between KCLS, KCLS/BFOL Liaison and BFOL
- Receive and implement directives from the BFOL/KCLS Liaison
- Update the Executive Board Book yearly
- Supply the Newsletter Chair with an article for each issue
- Co-sign checks and appoint member to audit treasurer's monthly report to match bank statement
Vice President
- Accept responsibility for projects as requested by the President
- Serve in an advisory capacity to the President
- Assume leadership in the absence of the President
- Be responsible for planning the Holiday Tea, Joint Boards Luncheon, and Annual Meeting
- Serve as a substitute at the Bellevue Advisory Board Meeting and the Corner Book Shop Committee meeting if the President is unable to attend
- Co-sign checks
- Attend BFOL Board meetings
- Record minutes of each meeting of the Executive Board and annual BFOL meeting, and retain records of all meetings
- Send a copy of the previous minutes to the Executive Board
- Read all papers and correspondence when called upon at the meetings
- Prepare a roster of BFOL Board
- Update Board folders in the Stock Room
- Send special occasion cards and acknowledgment of donation cards
- Report on BFOL financial status at Executive Board meetings
- Prepare an annual report of finances for the general membership
- Notify President of money donations
- Receive all money belonging to BFOL
- Pick up and distribute mail
- Oversee money and securities for the Corporation, arrange for bonding, arrange for preparation and filing of tax returns
- Disburse all funds as designated by the Executive Board
- Keep up-to-date financial records in an orderly manner and retain for seven (7) years
- Serve as the Chairman of the Finance Committee
- Serve on the Corner Book Shop Committee and attend the Committee's monthly meeting, giving the financial report including a breakdown of the Corner Book Shop results
- Oversee matching funds accounts
- Maintain the safe and cash register
- Appoint an Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Treasurer
- Pick up daily receipt envelopes from the Corner Book Shop on a weekly basis
- Verify the daily receipt total with actual cash received and cash register tape
- Record daily receipt totals and forward to the Treasurer with appropriate backup materials
- Compile bank deposit from daily receipts, membership dues and donations. Make bank deposit.
- Keep monthly record of daily receipts and deposits
- Notify Treasurer and Volunteer Coordinator of specific problems with daily receipts
- Confirm biweekly that correct amounts are available in the change bag, and replenish as needed
Past President
- Serve on the Finance Committee
- Preside over the Nominating Committee
- Serve in an advisory capacity to the President
- Attend Executive Board meetings
- Chair Emeritus Committee
Bellevue Liaison
- Coordinate the Book Discussion Group and the Shakespeare Group sessions with the designated adult librarians as to room location, setup and information for publicity flyers
- Coordinate payment of meeting moderators
- Mail information flyers, and manage member participation and procedure at the individual sessions
- Serve refreshments at fall and spring sessions of the Shakespeare Group
- Attend Executive Board meetings
Lake Hills/Crossroads Liaison
- Disburse book donations at Lake Hills Library to storage bookcases
- Fill bookcase in lobby as needed
- Request additional stock as needed, and send overage of donations to Stock Room Coordinators
- Attend Executive Board meetings
- Facilitate programs and projects initiated by Lake Hills Library Manager
Review Chair
- Send notices to Executive Board members to advise about publication deadlines for their news items
- Determine Newsletter content
- Work with Web Coordinator to post Newsletter content to the website
- Edit and send the Newsletter's copy-ready materials with Librarian's Request Form to KCLS for layout and printing
- Select a committee to help with mailing of newsletters (optional)
- Keep a file of past newsletters
- Obtain photo use permissions
- Attend Executive Board meetings
Member At Large
- Maintain the history of the BFOL
- Add press clippings, photos and other memorabilia to the archives
- Audit the Treasurer's Report monthly
- Contact the families of a deceased BFOL member to advise them that books will be purchased by the BFOL and donated to BFOL book club members in his or her memory
- Yearly, send names of deceased BFOL members to Newsletter Chair for publication in the newsletter and to Web Coordination for including on the In Memoriam web page
- Appoint a substitute who is trained in these duties in case of absence
- Attend Executive Board meetings
Membership Chair
- Maintain a current BFOL membership roster
- Maintain a copy of all new member applications and renewal forms
- Generate labels as needed
- Acknowledge each new member with a packet of BFOL information
- Mail annual and delinquent dues renewal notices as appropriate
- Design and coordinate printing of membership forms and brochures
- Ensure membership forms are available at BFOL events and in the Corner Book Shop
- Coordinate thank you letters with the Secretary for financial contributions
- Submit an annual report for the President and Executive Board
- Attend Executive Board meetings
Web Coordinator
- Serve as liaison between the BFOL website and BFOL board
- Maintain content for website
- Ensure monthly/yearly payments are made for website maintenance and site design services as requested by Executive Board members
- Manage and add weekly content on social media pages
- Attend Executive Board meetings
Corner Book Shop Chair
- Chair Corner Book Shop meetings. Determine date and reserve meeting room.
- Share Executive Board information with the Corner Book Shop Committee
- Attend Executive Board meetings and share Corner Book Shop Committee information
- Develop annual budget for the Corner Book Shop and present it to the Finance Committee
- Oversee the Corner Book Shop and Stock Room
- Oversee special sales at the Corner Book Shop or other locations, coordinating with the Lake Hills/Crossroads Liaison
- Oversee publicity for special sales (signs, articles, etc)
- Revise guidelines and prices with the input of the Corner Book Shop Committee
- Supply the Newsletter Chair with an article for each issue
- Maintain and manage signs and displays
- Create new volunteer ads, as needed
- Serve on Volunteer Day Committee
Corner Book Shop Assistant Chair
- Attend Corner Book Shop monthly meetings and serve as secretary
- Help prepare the Corner Book Shop yearly budget
- Purchase all supplies for the Corner Book Shop and Stock Room within budget constraints
- Establish a list of vendors and resources for purchasing
- Maintain the display case in the Bellevue Library Galleria
- Assume the Corner Book Shop Chair duties in the absence of Shop Chair
Stock Room Coordinator
- Serve on the Corner Book Shop Committee
- Serve on Volunteer Day Committee
- Coordinate with shop personnel to keep inventories at appropriate levels in the shop
- Maintain order in the Stock Room
- Create a monthly Stock Room schedule, coordinating with the shop schedule prior to the Corner Book Shop Committee meeting
- Maintain phone list of Stock Room volunteers
- Follow the "New Volunteer Procedures" to process prospective volunteers, train them for the Stock Room and notify volunteer coordinator
- Monitor progress of new volunteers
- Keep the Corner Book Shop Committee apprised of inventory levels
- Notify Assistant Shop Chair of low supplies, or order as needed
- Prepare shipments of books for special sales events and to ThriftBooks
- Manage storage of books with KCLS
Volunteer Coordinator
- Serve on the Corner Book Shop Committee
- Prior to each shop meeting, create a shop schedule and coordinate with Stock Room schedule
- With the Stock Room chair, coordinate mailing of schedules
- Maintain a phone list of volunteers in the shop and maintain and add new volunteers to the mailing list
- Write a bulletin to be enclosed with schedules if indicated at the monthly meeting
- Have new volunteer letters and registration forms available in the Corner Book Shop
- Train volunteers in the Corner Book Shop after they have worked in the Stock Room successfully and wish to work in the shop as well
- Schedule new volunteers with more experienced workers and review their progress
- Keep volunteers informed of procedures
- Notify the Assistant Corner Book Shop Chair of low supplies
Special Sales Coordinator
- Serve as a voting board member, reporting to the President
- Coordinate sales, advertising, dates and volunteers for sales
- Assist with reservations and book rooms for book sales events such as the Holiday Sale
- Work with KCLS advertising team to coordinate posters and press events
- Assist with managing on-site production and cleanup for events as necessary
- Keep track of event finances, including check requests, change for cash registers, and tracking sales
- Help to create vintage/rare book guidelines and document the guidelines in a notebook for future use
- Attend monthly shop meetings
- Assist in coordinating storage of vintage/rare books for future sales
- Assist in training volunteers for sales and/or assist people to help train volunteers for sales
- Be responsible for getting money and receipts to BFOL Treasurer after sales events